Formatting Guidelines

Remember the following Formatting Guidelines:

  1. Only use the Enter key at the end of a paragraph, not at the end of every line. Remember that dates and address lines in letters may be “1-line paragraphs”.
  2. Do not write in All Caps. It is more difficult to read and it is considered to be “shouting” in writing.
  3. Use no more than 2 fonts per document. Use a san serif font (font without feet such as Arial) for headlines and section titles. Use a serif font (font with feet such as Times New Roman) for the main text.
  4. Do not underline. Use Bold or italics to add contrast for headlines or section headings.
  5. Do not use a font size larger than size 14 for headlines and section headings. Do not use a font larger than size 12 for the main text.
  6. Place only 1 space after period, commas, question marks. Do not place a space before these punctuation marks.
  7. Place only 1 space between words.
  8. Indent paragraphs with the Tab key, not with the spacebar. or better, use the format paragraph menu to format all paragraphs correctly and consistently.
  9. Use the format font menu to adjust the text to 1.5 or double spacing, if necessary.
  10. Left align the text.
  11. The text should be black and do not highlight unless there is a specific reason to use color. (Color is more expensive to print than black ink.)
  12. Use number lists or bullet lists to organize lists of information.
  13. Use correctly formatted tables to organize rows and columns of information.

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