Tech Topics

  1. credibility and web evaluation
  2. free speech and censorship in the media
    1. CNN: Lessons of Egypt’s online crackdown
    2. World Divided on Press Freedom
    3. Aljazeera: Bypassing Egypt’s web blackout
  3. data privacy
    1. CNN: Data Scraping Site
  4. intellectual property rights
  5. copyright and plagiarism
  6. data mining
    1. Economics: Untangling the Social Web
  7. e-government
  8. open source software
  9. media ownership
  10. democracy and a courageous press
    1. CNN: Why reporters are being attacked (in Egypt)
  11. democracy and a free press
    1. CNN: News coverage curbed as journalists are targeted in Cairo
  12. equity and technology or digital divide –
    1. Effective Practices for Engendering the Digital Divide, Egypt (a few years old but valid comments)
  13. Web 2.0
    1. Blog: Egypt’s Web 2.0 Uprising Today
  14. social networking services
    1. CNN: Reports say Egypt Web shuddown (I have received a Facebook message from a friend in Egypt since this article was published.)
  15. weblogs
  16. podcasts
  17. twittering
    1. CNN: Twitter in Egypt
    2. Social media’s role in North Africa