Citation Practice: Goodbye, Space

  1. Read this article on Goodbye, Space!.
  2. Open a new text document in OpenOffice.
  3. Write a summary of the article in your own words. Do not use any quotations.
  4. Create a bibliography for the article using EasyBib.
  5. Paste the bibliography entry into the OpenOffice document. Make sure it is a hanging indent paragraph.
  6. Add a bullet note under the bibliography entry with annotation indicating how you know this is a valid source of information.
  7. Go back to the summary you wrote. Cite the source of the information using a parenthetical citation.
  8. Place this in the Goodbye Space dropbox assignment.

Sample Student Work (Grade 7)

by Dylan S.


The space shuttle Discovery has just gone on its last trip into space. It went to the International Space Station to add new storage space. Now that Discovery has been retired it will be added to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. (Zimbler)


Zimbler, Suzanne. “Time for Kids | News | Goodbye, Space!” Time For Kids | Classroom. 09 Mar. 2011. Web. 17 Mar. 2011. <,28277,2058053,00.html>.

  • I know it is a valid website because it is on Time magazine’s website, Time magazine is a well known magazine


by Tyler S.

The space shuttle Discovery was working in space for 27 years carrying astronauts. The space shuttle was been on 39 missions going to space and back. Discovery’s final trip was to the International Space Station. Since 1998, 16 nations have been working together to build the space base 220 miles above Earth.365 days in space and has traveled a whopping 148 million miles since 1984.After 30 years NASA, plan is to begin work on new spaceships that can travel longer distances. Endeavor, another shuttle, is scheduled to make its final voyage next month. Museums across the country have requested the retired shuttles. (Zimbler)



Zimbler, Suzanne. “Time for Kids | News | Goodbye, Space!” Time For Kids | Classroom. 09 Mar. 2011. Web. 17 Mar. 2011. <,28277,2058053,00.html>.

  • This is a good website because it is a news company