Class Guidelines for ICS Blogs

As Catholic, Digital Citizenship: We will

  1. treat others as we want to be treated ourselves.
  2. only use appropriate language in text and comments.
  3. only contribute positive, supportive comments.
  4. be respectful of differing opinions.
  5. never give out personal information, including names.
  6. not post anything unless we really want other people to see it.
  7. not use inappropriate music, pictures or videos.
  8. only use images or music or videos that we have permission to use.
  9. not plagiarize.


  1. Ideas: Express your own ideas.
  2. Conventions: Always check grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  3. Read carefully for sentence fluency.
  4. Think about your word choice.
  5. Use your own voice.
  6. Be organized.
  7. Presentation: Make it neat and appealing.

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