Alternative Energy Research

Grade 5 Research

  1. Open a new text document in OpenOffice.
  2. At the top place the alternative energy source you are investigating.
  3. Enter the how, which, or why question you will investigate. (This is from your cluster map.)
  4. Enter the following sentence, “Energy is not created or destroyed. It is only changed from one form to another“.
  5. In a bullet list or numbered list write everything you already know about the topic and the question.
  6. Go to Fact Monster – Science – Environment, Energy, and Nature.  Follow the links to find information that might answer your question. Make notes on the text document. Include the URL for the source of the information.
  7. Go to BrainPOP Jr. science. Follow the links to find information to answer your question. Take notes after each video clip that you watch. Include the URL for the source of the information.
  8. Write a paragraph summary with the answer to your question.

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