Citation Practice: Nuclear Safety

  1. Read this article on U.S. nuclear safety in focus after Japan quake.
  2. Open a new text document in OpenOffice.
  3. Write a summary of the article in your own words. Do not use any quotations.
  4. Create a bibliography for the article using EasyBib.
  5. Paste the bibliography entry into the OpenOffice document. Make sure it is a hanging indent paragraph.
  6. Add a bullet note under the bibliography entry with annotation indicating how you know this is a valid source of information.
  7. Go back to the summary you wrote. Cite the source of the information using a parenthetical citation.
  8. Save the article and place in the class dropbox.

Sample Student Work (8th Grade)

by Ariel M.

Japan’s earthquake and catastrophic events have nuclear plants worried in the United States about their readiness for disaster. Many people in the United States felt that Japan was more prepared for this then they appeared to be. However, while the general public may be concerned about the safety of the United States power plants, owners and engineering excepts are certain the the U.S. is well drilled and well prepared (U.S. Nuclear Safety).


“U.S. Nuclear Safety in Focus after Japan Quake – The Early Show – CBS News.” Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News – CBS News. CBS Interactive Inc., 14 Mar. 2011. Web. 14 Mar. 2011. <>.

  • This is valid because it is an article from an official news website.


Nuclear Power Plants in Japan
by Michele P.

The earthquake in Japan is a wake up call for our nuclear power plants here in the US. Many plants are located on fault lines, that may be hazardous if affected by an earthquake. Officials say that the nuclear power plants in California are well prepared for a disaster. The officials believe that we are more prepared then the Japanese were, and that the age of the power plants may be a contributer to the fall of the nuclear power plants in Japan ( U.S. Nuclear Saftey in Focus after Japan Quake – The Early Show – CBS News).


“U.S. Nuclear Safety in Focus after Japan Quake – The Early Show – CBS News.” Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News – CBS News. CBS, 14 Mar. 2011. Web. 14 Mar. 2011. <>.

  • This is a verifiable site because it was made by a news station and has an official publishing sponsor.

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