Research Skills

Enduring Understandings:

  1. Information systems, both printed and digital, are the centers of intellectual, academic, social, and cultural life.
  2. Not all information is valid, reliable, relevant, or appropriate.
  3. Technology can facilitate learning when it enables students to explore ideas, solve problems, and derive meaning.

Research Skills

  1. Questioning: Frame questions to focus an inquiry. Write open research questions.
  2. Planning: Determine and plan research strategies appropriate for the research question. Determine appropriate primary and secondary sources of information. Use topics, keywords, directories. Sample Sources: the library, atlases, maps, graphs, visual sources, oral sources, on-line databases, the Internet, simulations, case studies, etc.
  3. Gathering: Collect and record authentic, relevant information from a range of reliable and valid primary and secondary sources. Evaluate and annotate information sources. Record information by: note taking, determining what is important/relevant, summarizing, enciphering & interpreting.) (See Successful Internet Searches and Evaluating Information Sources
  4. Sifting & Sorting & Analyzing: Use a variety of methods to sort, organize, process, integrate, and analyze information. Use graphic organizers. Use the writing process. Compare and contrast data. Make tables/graphs. Make maps. Create a visual-picture/cartoon.
  5. Synthesizing & Evaluating: Create new meaning and understanding, supported by evidence from information found. Write a statement supported by tables, graphs, maps, visual images, etc. Back up statements with citations.
  6. Reporting: Communicate clear, relevant and well substantiated arguments and findings using conventions appropriate to  the mode of communication. Provide written documentation. Give an oral presentation. Use visual images to support findings. Combine text with audio and visual to create a multimedia product.
  7. Citing: Use appropriate APA or MLA format methodology to cite reference sources and create a bibliography Annotated each information source with a statement providing proof that the resources is a valid and reliable resource to use.
Note: I’ve used these essential understandings for several years. I’m not sure what the original source was.

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