Planning a Book Report

Students create a book report. The planning is done in a word-processing program. The final version is in a presentation program (PowerPoint). Each of the cells in the table below represents a slide in PowerPoint in the final version.

The following information should be included in the report.

Book Title

Author’s Name

Your Name

Theme or “Big Idea”

  • What is the main idea? (Friendship? Courage?)
Characters (describe the main character)

  • What does she/he look like?
  • How does she/he act?
  • How do others react to him?

  • Where?
  • When?
The Plot or Conflict

  • What is it?
  • Why did it happen?
  • How can it be resolved?

  • What is the resolution
  • What happens then?
  • How does it affect the characters?

  • Why did you like it?
  • What was the best part?
  • How did it make you feel?
  • What did you learn?

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